Nuestro Club 4-H El Cual Es Tuyo Y Mio
This Club is yours and mine..
CLub 4-H

The 21th Century

Events that have taken place

College help

Computer Classes

Links for other pages and games

Kennett High School

West Grove High School

The oxford High School

New Garden


The 4-H Club of Oxford

The 4-H club in oxford

Oxford Kids

4-H at Park Spring

The 4-H Club Pet

Guest Book Page

Come read our wonderful stories about 4-H members and volunteers.

This photo was taken at the Coatesville library. Young people met on Saturday December 15, 2001 to learn how to use computers. Mrs.Zaida Casals, a teacher with the Chester County Migrant Education Program worked with Mrs. Pat Miller and Mr. Luis Santos. Mrs. Casals started the 4-H program at the Oxford library in the summer of 2001. Miss Chrissy Cruz, Miss Adylene Rebollo and Mr. Rigoberto Garcia expanded the 4-H program in 2002 to encourage children, youth and adult learners.


I pledge my head to clearer thinking

My Heart to greater loyalty

My hands to larger service

And My health to better living

For my club, my community, my country, and my world.

Hello, My Name Is Luis Santos

From: Corozal, Puerto Rico

Class of 2002!

Would You Like To Take a Look At My
Web site? It Is About My Hispanic Organization in our School. If you do, click at:

Latino Pride of West Chester East

"This web site was created
by members of the Chester County Pennsylvania 4-H program. Our web master is Rigoberto Garcia, 4-H alumnus and volunteer. We dedicate this web site to individuals and to organizations who help children, youth and families to unite in education, to be self sufficient and to strengthen our world!"

If you have any question or comments please send me an email

As a team we can accomplish Anything
Click here to see Zena Juanita La Perrita.

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