K H S is a school community comprised of 920 students and 79 professional staff. In 2000, 77% of Kennett graduates went on to higher education; 60% of the professional staff have master's degrees or higher. Kennett High School serves a diverse, rural-suburban populace in southern Chester County. The cornerstone of our school was laid during the Great Depression in the 1930's. Our curriculum, facilities, and goals are directed to the 21st century.
Link To Kennett High School
Kennett High School- Telephone Dierectory
Main office 444-66-20
Principal 444-6623
Assistant Principal 444-66-24
Athletic Director 444-66-32
Guidance Office 444-66-36
Health Office 444-66-15
Media Center 444-66-17
Music Department 444-66-28