Oxford Library
CLub 4-H

The 21th Century

Events that have taken place

College help

Computer Classes

Links for other pages and games

Kennett High School

West Grove High School

The oxford High School

New Garden


The 4-H Club of Oxford

The 4-H club in oxford

Oxford Kids

4-H at Park Spring

The 4-H Club Pet

Guest Book Page

Making a better tomorrow by learning
The Library of Oxford with the 4-H club has been giving classes to people of the community. Participants have been learning how to use computers better.

They meet every Wensday
From 6:00 O'clock to 7:30, they learn basic computer skills. From 6:00 to 6:45, they learn how to operate the computer. From 6:45 to 7:30 they learn how they can use the Internet to search for information. Our students are interested in looking for familiar places within their country.
How can it help?
By teaching adults in the community, our students can then help their families and friends to learn.
They are shy and they don't like their photo taken but they do want to learn
Taking classes is one of the best ways for people to improve their futures.
Teaching adults is great.
For many reasons! One reason is that adults want to learn. You don't need to tell them to take notes. They alway go to class and they don't talk when the teacher is talking.

El es uno de los estudiantes que pasaron por el programa

Ahora el sabe usar la computadora
Como un esperto. El estaba copiando un disco de musica a otro cuando esta foto fue tomada en la conputadora.
Hola,me llamo Mariza
soy puertorriqueña,hace 3 años que vivo en Oxford P.A.Soy cristiana,desde hace dos años.

